Game platypus 2
Game platypus 2

game platypus 2

(*Only when angry did she address him thus. God" asked his wife, belching with her disgust, nauseous with her reaction to their arrogant pompous appearance, vile habits, and loathsome odour. (*=himself*) Instead of the aesthetically wonderful platypus, made in his own image, this abortion of a creature looked totally Man! "What on earth have you made, Mr. They didn't remotely resemble the image that God had. He couldn't stand looking at the ugly little things, and called them 'Man" in utter disgust.

game platypus 2

God almost gave the project away, but, with little to occupy him now, he carelessly put together some faulty reject parts, and, lo!, they were totally unlike his Adam and Eve, all of those millions of years ago. Creature after creature he invented, but subsequently each bored him silly. God, unobtrusively, had made several rather nice things in his absence. After a few millenia of idly driving the stars recklessly about 'The Heavens' (*as, pretentiously, they had called their home*), God obstinately resumed again his little hobby of populating this little planet. "To Hell with it! Wherever that is.", he muttered, thoroughly sick of his idle project. They seemed interested in something in the water instead. Not once did either platypus even look at the mangosteen tree. If I forbid them, it'll be a real test!" His first living creations, Adam, a male platypus, and Eve, a female, he lowered to his garden, and sternly warned them NOT ever to eat of the 'Forbidden Fruit'. He planted the tree that produced "Forbidden Fruit", and tried out a few. God thus had made the platypus in his own image, and created what he thought of as 'The Garden of Eden' for them. Very verily! Although the project of populating this odd new planet that he'd made (*more as a sunshield, originally, as his rheumy eyes were growing weak*) was something he wished he hadn't started, he continued, obstinate as any platypus. But,, when he looked at it, he was pleased with the work that he had done. The very first living thing he made in his Senile-Epoch project was the platypus, and, verily, he was weary from the effort. *Having lived for 'all of eternity' probably was responsible*. Or perhaps He was just wanting to perplex the hell out of the Charles Darwins' of this world?

Game platypus 2