Dragon age origins mage tower puzzle
Dragon age origins mage tower puzzle

dragon age origins mage tower puzzle dragon age origins mage tower puzzle

To move the story along though first look at the Index A-F pedestal. Feel free to read all the books that you want. Reading an index book will activate bookshelves in the library. At the very center of the Apprentice Quarters there will be four index pedestals. When you arrive at the Circle Tower you will be allowed to wander around the Apprentice Quarters. When you exit the hut take care of the darkspawn that attack and then head to the circle tower. She would like you to take her to the Tower of Magi to look for a book. Inside the hut you will meet a Dalish Warrior called Ariane. This DLC starts you off in the Korcari Wilds at Flemeth's Hut.

Dragon age origins mage tower puzzle